Be brave and be true. You have many things to do in your life.

You will do well, and you will have help—you will always have help.

Wisconsin. November 18, 2016. Temperatures dropped. Windswept bursts of pale snow swirled against the dark windows. My grandies and I read our final bedtime story, and I tucked them in under fuzzy blankets and favorite stuffies. Then, I returned to the couch and bundled-up snuggly intending to knit, but anxiety overtook me.

   Earlier that day my eight-year-old granddaughter and I shared a whisper-worthy moment. She leaned in face-to-face with me, her eyes sparkling, and announced in a delighted hush, “I’ll be able to read novels soon.” What a wonder to share—she was the first reader of the third generation of our picture book loving, novel-devouring family.

   That evening the wonder was replaced with dismay when I remembered the youth novels on display at the local library near my far-away Colorado home. Images of teen vampires, foolish romances, and occult themes darkened my joy. I’d been told some of those books had great threads of loyalty, sacrificial love, and friendship, but that fell far short of what I believed God had for our youth. I longed for compelling fiction that was based on intriguing, awe-filled pictures of our Creator interacting with young characters. Could there be a youth novel that drew them into His nearness, His wonder? What novel could help them see, hear, and feel the stunning love of a Creator transforming their daily moments? The burden was tangible, even physically uncomfortable.

   So, I asked the Lord to give me prayers for the contemporary authors of Christian youth fiction. “Lord you know I tend to pray two-or-three-days of firecracker prayers, but please, please would you give me faithful prayers for months to come. I want this, but I can’t without your help.” And God said yes. One morning toward the beginning of February 2017 one of those prayer times for authors spilled into my morning routine. The many tasks of the day beckoned, so I moved to the next room to brush my teeth and continue to pray. Suddenly, a video-like snapshot graced my mind’s eye. A brave, kind young boy happened upon an unknown girl, unprotected in the space between their homes. In a brief exchange he won her friendship and returned her to the safety of her home. The scene was detailed, touching, and I knew it had been the Lord. Of course I had no idea who they were, why the Lord had shown them to me, or what they would come to mean.

   A couple of days later another snapshot came. Now the characters were older as they bent down unearthing something. But what and why? A few days after that a third snapshot came and with it a knowing deeper than words—this was a book. “Oh . . . no-o-o . . . Lord, I didn’t mean me. First of all, I don’t have any experience. Secondly, when will I ever find the time? I simply can’t write a book.” The Lord waited quietly, hovering, patient, letting me make peace with the idea. My prayers for authors and for teens came to mind. The intriguing snapshots called out to me. “Hallo? What are you going to do with us?”

   Do you know that feeling? That knowing which is felt deep in your gut whether it makes sense or not? “O-o-kay. If you want me to write a book,” I ventured. “I will, but you . . . You will have to help me. I—can—not do this on my own.” And so, I began writing each snippet he brought me onto a sticky note. One at a time I filled the inside of my bathroom cupboard with sticky notes until I knew scenes must be arranged. My own words became the glue to piece my Creator’s intriguing storyline together. During the busiest seasons he woke me to write with him in the middle of the night with such a sweet flow. He answered my prayers for a hand-me-down Mac, for praying friends, for a writer’s support group, for the perfect editor, for a free writing getaway, and so much more.

   Then, gradually seasons of intense difficulties began with plot problems, indecisiveness, email glitches, covid, and what seemed like insurmountable tech difficulties. I took comfort in the Lord and these delightful characters he had given me. A passion filled me for youth near and far to read of Samuri & Jewel’s struggles, whimsy, bravery, and breakthrough. Those readers would love them too and would feel more seen by the Living God because of them. When my nerves went crazy and my heart felt faint, I clung to the gift of those first snapshots of Samuri & Jewel. My Creator had not left me to think up a book on my own. He had prepared me with his unmistakable touch from the very beginning.

Author’s note: Samuri & Jewel: The Forbidden Friendship released on December 1st, 2023, nearly seven years after I received those first snapshots.