About Kimily Kay

Her Story

Kimily Kay, longtime adventurer, friend of youth, and storyteller now presents her first novel, Samuri & Jewel, The Forbidden Friendship.  Kimily was always on the lookout for books of intriguing wonder, friendship, quest, and faith. When her children were young, she gathered them together to spend evenings curled up in their country home reading aloud. If a storm- tossed night blew out the electricity, she whispered made-up stories to them by candlelight. As her children grew, storybooks and novels were joined by her family’s ventures in camping and short-term mission trips.

Though writing a novel was never on Kimily’s radar, the Lord was preparing her all along. When Samuri and Jewel suddenly appeared in her mind’s eye, she knew she had to tell their story.  Like her main characters, Kimily loves friendship, courage, frothy hot drinks, long hikes, lakes, and secret places with God.   

Kimily Kay makes her home in the sun-splashed state of Colorado where she enjoys paddle boarding, drinking tea, and wandering along paths interspersed with trees and sweet mountain vistas.



All your children will be taught by the Lord, and great will be their peace.

– Isaiah

More from Kimily!



Oct. 5 2022

Encouraging the Next Generation

Join Ashely Moore here on episode 49 of be the two as she chats with me about my testimony, my days of working with youth, and my heart for exciting literature for the next generation.

Episode 75 of Her Holistic Healing Podcast!

How is Your Imagination Affecting Your Health and Your Life?

Join host, Alexandra Yu, as she chats with me on the Her Holistic Healing Podcast. Come along as we explore the fantastic implications our imaginations have on our health and our overall sense of well-being.

Coming Soon!

The First Official S&J Giveaway!

I’m a bit of a spontaneous planner! So I encourage you to check my Instagram now and then and /or join my newsletter for updates. (You can follow me below.)